July 7, 2022
Now today’s episode is MEATY. You’ll probably want to repeat this episode twice or more because our guest today drops so much fire it’s not even funny.
Today we had Kelly Roach on the show for the second time. We first welcomed Kelly to the heart and hustle podcast on Episode 121, and today she’s back for moorreeee marketing wisdom and goodness.
Today we talked to Kelly ALL about Conviction Marketing and how to stay aligned with your business and marketing voice. So what does that mean? Well… raise your hand if you’ve been feeling BEYOND fed up and overwhelmed with social media and all the “trends” in marketing in general that are changing seemingly overnight. Hand raised? Great, you’re in good company, and you’re listening to the right episode. Kelly breaks down why that feeling is beyond valid and what to do about it. She gives amazing tips and strategies on how to create content and master a marketing strategy that is based on your values and convictions that will lead to even more sales and success, without the overwhelm or burnout (and without dancing like a monkey on reels if that’s not your cup of tea.) She explains the difference between vanity metrics and conversions metrics, and how to serve your audience authentically, and as a result, be more successful.
This episode is a freaking POWER PUNCH of goodness and it lit us on FIRE so we know you’re gonna love it too. If you’re ready to have your marketing plan completely revolutionized (and feel excitement and peace about it again!) then grab a pen & paper and get ready to dive in!
Kelly Roach is a brilliant business strategist that transforms overworked entrepreneurs into seven-figure CEOs by teaching them how to leverage timeless business principles, employed by billion-dollar corporations, with the speed and agility of the most powerful online marketing strategies of today. Kelly is not only a best-selling author but is also an ongoing expert on ABC, NBC, Fox, and The CW. She has been featured in some of the world’s leading publications including Inc. and Forbes and is the host of the Top 10 Marketing podcast, The Kelly Roach Show.
Online marketing can be straightforward and effective. The vast majority of individuals that are wanting to build a business know they need to have an effective content marketing strategy, in order to make an online brand. There’s been a bad online trend, not only are entrepreneurs getting stuck in this online content process but they are getting on the neverending hampster wheel. People who teach social media marketing are obsessed with the latest greatest trends, fad, the tactic of the day. For your everyday entrepreneur, just learning the tactic of the day is all-consuming.
Seeing people trying these trends fads and getting stuck and overwhelmed in their business because by the time they have learned something it’s already moved on to the next something. Many entrepreneurs didn’t feel like there was a place for them. They didn’t want to jump around and point and dance. You don’t need to participate in anything that isn’t in alignment with your values or what you want to convey by sharing your talent with the world.
Conviction marketing is a go-to market strategy that attracts, nurtures, and converts your ideal customers, by leveraging your convictions.
Overwhelmed by the noise that to the point you can’t even think straight.
Spend less time on social media and get off of all the extra email lists of your competitors and stop looking at all these people’s stories. You need to spend less time consuming and more time creating.
Go back and reevaluate the amount of time you are consuming. The amount of time you spend scrolling. Compare that to the amount of time you spend creating. It’s impossible to get clarity from intuition if you can’t even hear yourself think.
If you have an effective content strategy it could be anyone. If you have a content strategy that is done well you don’t need to be the face of the brand. It’s what does the brand stand for, who are you, what are you doing, and what is the motivation?
Don’t follow the leader, be the leader. You were called to build this company or dream, there is a why behind that. If you hide behind the safety of creating and sharing things that align with everybody else and already doing and approved. How does that make a difference?
It’s knowing what leads to an outcome. The time you spend obsessing over the number of likes or comments you get is not time helping you move towards your goal. You have to decide how you measure success. This is all about knowing yourself. What is actually important to you?
Sit down and write down the difference that you want to make in the world, then go live and start talking about it.
Patience. That is the lesson.
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Today we’re talking about MARKETING. But not just any marketing. We’re talking about how to stand out in an oversaturated market, set yourself apart, and become a category of one while focusing on leaving a legacy. Today’s guest is the incredible Kelly Roach. Kelly is a business strategist who transforms…
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WASSUP FRIENDS. We’re Evie + Lindsey, co-founders of this wild partayyy called The Heart University. Our goal is to empower entrepreneurs to kick freaking BUTT in their businesses, dive down into the heart of their why and how, and serve you with all possible tools you’ll need to up-level your business game and CRUSH those goals of yours.
Whether you’re coming to an in-person workshop, joining our online course, or soaking up all the strategies via this blog or our podcast, we’re STOKED you’re here + can’t wait to see you out there kicking butt.
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