January 27, 2022
Today’s episode is for all our photographers in the house. Today we have the pleasure of talking to one of the best of the best in the photography industry: Jordan Voth.
Today Jordan shares his story of how he got into the photography industry and grew his business to what it is today: hint it started with concerts. We chat with Jordan about which is more important at the beginning of your photography career: the quality of your photos or the business savvy behind the scenes. We chat about ways to improve your client experience. Then we dive into the main topic of the show which answers the question: do you REALLY need to niche down as a photographer? Do you HAVE to shoot only one thing? All our multi-passionate photographer listeners RISE. It is your time. Jordan is about to spit such fire and truth in this episode, so don’t you dare go anywhere.
Also, Jordan surprised us with some nuggets of knowledge that you won’t believe. Like his favorite camera body ever and how he edits every single one of his photos: hint- it’s NOT Lightroom.
Jordan is a portrait and wedding photographer based in Seattle, WA. While he primarily photographs elopements and weddings, he also photographs maternity and family portraits while also working with brands on commercial jobs. He’s often on the road shooting and finds himself in California, Arizona, and Mexico most frequently.
How he got into the industry:
Purchasing his first DLSR camera back in2008 when Jordan was in college. In college Jordan attended many shows and concerts, so he started to shoot for a lot of bands and festivals. From there Jordan began to shoot anything and everything from bands, senior photos, portraits of people, landscapes, car photos, etc. Anything he could get in front of his camera he was down.
The portrait stuff started to grow on him and that’s what he started to focus on. After a few years, he got into more lifestyle and modeling, the commercial side, and avoided weddings for as long as he could. He had no interest and felt there was way too much pressure.
Jordan shot a variety of different things with no interest in like trying to make it some sort of a career, so he finished college with a degree in finance and accounting. After going on a road trip with a buddy over ten years ago where he met up with a ton of different photographers through Flickr, Jordan ended up shooting his first wedding that trip. He then went to shoot 3 to 4 weddings a year still working as an accountant, but once photography started to require more of his time he quit his accounting job and went full time into photography. And that was six years ago.
Over the years the answer kind of changes. Nowadays cameras are so good. It’s not super difficult if you have some money to invest in to buy a mirrorless camera with a pretty solid lens. Then with all the presets available these days you can take a pretty decent photo throw on a good preset from someone and have a pretty decent photo. For the most part, what you would be missing is your composition. Do you understand light? For the most part, you could probably get away with taking a solid photo.
Jordan thinks in this day being a savvy business person will get you further than maybe knowing photo stuff right off the bat.
It’s a mixture of both, you have to have photos that catch people’s eyes to stop people from scrolling or on Google. Having people remember their day with beautiful photos is important, but the client experience you give people could make them refer you to their friends and family. At the end of the day word of mouth can travel a lot quicker than scrolling through Instagram.
Tips on improving client experience:
Never force something that doesn’t feel natural or that you don’t have a passion for. Jordan’s multiple passionate careers of portraits transformed into weddings because people he previously shot were getting married. Then couples that he shot their wedding for started to have kids and that shifted him into maternity. Now he is having clients with families ask for family sessions.
You do want to pick a couple of things to focus on and shoot. You don’t want to have 10-15 different niche’s as a photographer, that can make for an overwhelming website. Jordan started with a couple of different niches that he was interested in and has slowly broadened those by taking them when he feels comfortable and confident.
Don’t be afraid to try a lot of different things. Especially as a new business, you need to dabble in a variety so that you can learn what you enjoy and are good at.
Canon 5D Mark 2, Jordan has 13-14 that he has collected over the years because at this point Canon no longer fixes them. His main reason for shooting on them is simplicity.
Lens’ he loves is his 35 one point four and the eighty-five one point two. When he is shooting a wedding he’ll primarily use the thirty-five and eighty-five combo. Using the thirty-five for the ceremony and then twenty-four for dancing. Difference lens’ have a different time of each day.
The Heart Conference: www.theheartuniversity.com/conference
The Heart Shop Contracts: www.theheartuniversity.com/shop
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WASSUP FRIENDS. We’re Evie + Lindsey, co-founders of this wild partayyy called The Heart University. Our goal is to empower entrepreneurs to kick freaking BUTT in their businesses, dive down into the heart of their why and how, and serve you with all possible tools you’ll need to up-level your business game and CRUSH those goals of yours.
Whether you’re coming to an in-person workshop, joining our online course, or soaking up all the strategies via this blog or our podcast, we’re STOKED you’re here + can’t wait to see you out there kicking butt.
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