Today, we have an incredibly inspiring guest joining us, someone whose life and work beautifully blend the worlds of art, faith, and entrepreneurship. Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author known for her incredible books and Bible studies.
We’re gonna get into the nitty-gritty of life, faith, and all those moments when you’re just trying to keep it together.
This is a raw, honest, and unfiltered conversation about navigating life in general, especially in hard seasons. We cover a lot of depth on the character of God, the power of the content we consume in our daily life, and last but certainly not least, Ruth will share her wisdom on growing in your relationship with the Lord.
Whether you’re just starting out in your faith journey or you’ve been walking with God for years, her insights are sure to inspire and encourage you.
Ruth’s Story
Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies, including Pilgrim, GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through social media, her online shop at GraceLaced.com, and the GraceLaced Collective community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys—their greatest adventure.
Pilgrim Devotional Inspiration
Ruth likes to write devotionals that surprise people with depth. The artwork is meant to let us linger long and the content is to help us access something deeper in a more accessible way. It’s 25 concepts on the doctrine of God. What is He like and how does He relate to us? When Ruth was writing this she was wrestling with how the Lord was going to provide for the journey ahead.
Why did you name it Pilgrim?
A pilgrim is somebody who is not home. They are going through a foreign land that is not home. You need to pass through to get to where you’re supposed to be. It’s a reminder that God is always with us. He is Emmanuel God with us. It’s Him that determines our very steps, but God in His sovereignty– He blesses and takes away. He determines those steps. He is the only fuel to walk along the road. It’s not our job to get ourselves on the other side of something really difficult. The pilgrim journey will be affected if you walk with Him or if you walk alone.
The most impactful attribute of God
The truth is if you think of God as some standoffish grumpy dad in the corner, you’re not going to want to talk to him or open the word. You won’t want to be close to Him. If you believe God is the deliverer, the one who can part the seas. The way maker. If you understand Him as a deliverer, then whatever you are facing today if you believe and know and trust Him to be the deliverer and only source of deliverance. Then you can step out and know that making it isn’t dependent on you. His faithfulness, sovereignty, and deliverance are what really carry Ruth these days.
He’s got it, you don’t have to make a way because He is the deliverer.
Distant from God- How to Interact with God
- Don’t do it alone. Let someone trusted and Godly know in your life. We’re not meant to walk alone.
- That person will tell you to replace the narratives that are untrue with what is true.
- Go to the Word and ask yourself what does it say about God. Read a whole passage. If you start with who God is, it will change everything.
- Then in turn what does it say about who you are?
What is your favorite book you’ve read recently?
You Are a Theologian by Jen Wilkin
What is the biggest lesson you have learned in business and your walk with Jesus?
What’s one way you can start with one small thing? Small things matter. We all look for big. God gives you exactly what He wants you to steward now. Even if it looks small, steward what He has given you.
Show notes
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