Any entrepreneur who has ever felt like a failure? Today we have the incredible Kyrie Price on the show. She basically opens up the opposite end on the highlight reel. We talk about stepping away from entrepreneurship and stepping into motherhood, the struggles that come from that and so much more!
Kyrie’s Story
Currently a mother of three children aged 5, 4, and 20 months living in East Texas, God has been recently leading Kyrie on a sanctifying mission of pursuing her family as a homemaker and homeschooling mother, versus as a serial entrepreneur and novelist.
What was your business & what made you pivot
Kyrie had a couple of businesses before transitioning to being a stay-at-home mom. Her first business was right out of college (she studied kinesiology) and she thought she would be a corporate girly. But hated it, used to be an avid swimmer so started a swim lesson business. When she got pregnant with her first baby she ended up stopping that because it was hard to teach kids how to swim when your belly is the size of a watermelon. She then transitioned to blogging in 2017 and picked up freelancing. Was doing ghostwriting for journalists and editing for self-published authors. This then pushed her to become an author and in 2020 she self-published her first book. This has been her foundational business since becoming a mom.
In 2022 they had their 3rd baby and Kyie felt like everything on her plate was spilling over. She felt like God pressing that she needs to give this up, you need to stop. It was a struggle for her, she had so much of her identity in her success. The last business they started up was a cleaning company in 2022. After about 6 months it was not working out and they had to pull the plug. She then pulled the plug on everything. That was incredibly difficult. She’s had to learn what God has is best and not try to keep forcing square pegs into circular holes.
Lessons learned in that shift
Psalms 62: basically says to not put your comfort in worldly riches. Off the bat, Kyrie realized her businesses were a hunger game for her. What Kyrie had taught herself growing up was money is key and power. She felt that more money meant more success and making her parents proud. Even though Kyrie had come to a saving faith in Jesus that route was still growing and she needed to prune it off and kill it. It was a lot of repenting and sitting back and realizing she had this fear of not having enough.
The second thing was her mindset- she had a pessimistic mindset. It’s her natural personality and environmentally grown with age. She felt like she always had to prove herself. She had a lot of soul work she needed to do and God does not hate, He is love. The devil hates.
Once she had that mindset shift,
How to encourage yourself after the decision
Her mantra this year is learning how to struggle with grace. Once she didn’t have the businesses she felt like she didn’t know her identity. She didn’t want to project that onto her kids or family. Learning how to see her children that was a gift from God. Kyrie went straight to counseling. Learning that she is not a failure and that she is not defined by her business or being a mother. She had to go back to who she was as a person, who the Lord said she was. If she can’t believe anything about herself as a child of God then she needs to believe what He has to say about her. Get support, get people in your corner, that was another thing that she spent a lot of time on this year. Having an inner circle that you can go to when you are struggling.
What is your favorite book you’ve read recently?
Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Twenty Summer by Cimber Comings
Influenced by Brian Boxer
What is the biggest lesson you have learned in business?
Getting in touch with your humanity.
Show notes
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