The advice column questions today we’re going over is:
- How to tell your booked clients you’re pregnant and can’t serve them anymore
- Using giveaways as a growth strategy?
- What to say yes and no to when business is poppin’.
- What to post on IG when you have no fresh content to share
Sarah: Pregnant, shhh. Due during fall busy season. How to tell wedding couples that you’ve booked already?
Wait until you are after the 12-week mark just make sure that the pregnancy is going to continue. Once that happens Lindsey sends each of her clients a personal email telling them the situation. Make sure in your contract that you have something that says in the event that you can’t shoot their wedding you will find an associate shooter to shoot their wedding for them.
In advance, Lindsey asks a couple of friends to associate and then offers her couples those options to see which one they would like. We try to give as much help as we can since it is a bummer situation. Lindsey stops around 32-35 weeks to stop shooting.
On the postpartum side, try to take a three-month maternity leave or even two months. Try to take as long as you can.
Natasha: Do you think giveaways are a good way to grow your Instagram community?
Yes absolutely, especially depending on how you do it. If you partner with another account or well-known brand you could see huge growth. Evie just did a coaching giveaway and she grew around 300 more followers.
The bottom line is it can be a way to get in front of another account and showcase what you offer. It’s not something you want to do all the time because your audience will get burnt out.
Hannah: Knowing when to slow down in a season that seems to be exploding with possibility but feels overwhelming. What to say yes to what to say no to?
If you are in a season where you’re seeing growth and an explosion of connections but then have the awareness that you see it can go in the wrong path. You should sit down and write out what you want your life to look like and how your business can support that. Then from there, you see what steps you need to take now to make that happen. You might be sacrificing some things that are incredible opportunities because it doesn’t align with that you want your life to look like.
Emily: What content to post on socials to stay consistent with posting when you just aren’t booking? I feel like I’m constantly posting the same two weddings and feel kinda weird.
Shoot for free aka style shoots, giveaway free sessions, etc. Grab anyone you can to shoot. Go on Facebook groups in your community. Get out there and hustle and pretend that you are booked when you are not. If you don’t have content, the answer is to get content.
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