June 30, 2022
Today we’re chatting with the brilliant and sweet Danielle Wiebe all about how to strategically collaborate and partner with other entrepreneurs and businesses to scale your business.
Danielle talked ALLLLL about building relationships, collaborations, and partnerships as one of the most powerful tools you can use to accelerate and scale your business.
We went deep into what collaborations and partnerships are, how to format a pitch email, and how to get noticed by the person or brand you’re trying to collaborate with. Danielle even covers things you should be doing before ever sending a collaboration request that will set you up for a yes down the road.
If you’re ready to learn how to network and collaborate in a way that will grow your community and therefore your business, grab a notebook and let’s get started with today’s show!!
Danielle is a Mom, business strategist, podcast host, and the founder of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs. With 10+ years of entrepreneurial experience, in multiple industries, Danielle now helps women create and scale profitable businesses without having to work around the clock. She does this through her signature business program: Action Takers Club, her Mastermind, live events, and 1:1. She believes every woman has the ability to create BIG income and impact through entrepreneurship.
Danielle always knew she wanted to do something in the entrepreneurial space since she grew up with entrepreneurs in her family. While going to university, she went to school for business and marketing, she started working for companies, in social media management and marketing. Starting her first business, with a business partner while still going to school, and learned so much about entrepreneurship. From there went into the network marketing space, also doing a lot of contract work for event planners.
She started to really try to network. As she was juggling these different businesses and jobs, she started going to networking events. She felt like a fish out of water and didn’t belong, there weren’t a ton of young female entrepreneurs. Thinking there might be a lot of other people out there that want that community, that are like-minded. Where you could come network, collaborate and ask questions without feeling dumb. Danielle ended up hosting this pop-up event, there were maybe 10 people. After that, some women asked when the next one was and that is how it started.
Surrounding herself with other people, who have these big crazy dreams as she did was very important.
Danielle created something that she wanted to be a part of. Create a space where everyone, no matter where they were, would all feel equally welcomed. It would also be a space where everyone coming to this event is wanting to connect and collaborate with other people. A safe space.
You have unique gifts that are specific and unique to only you. Be confident in that.
Realize that you are going to be rejected. The sooner you can accept that and realize rejection is God’s protection. When you are rejected, that’s not a rejection of you but maybe the idea that you pitched. Not everyone’s opportunity is going to be a yes. Maybe it’s not right for you right now.
Every rejection that you face is going to teach you something and give you an opportunity to be a part of something else that is better for you.
When you want to collaborate with someone, really figure out what value they want or they need that you can provide.
Who are you drawn to, would love to work with one day, and love to collaborate with one day? Start a list of 10 people and go on social media and create a collection. Make sure you’re following all those people and start to engage with them and build a relationship. Building a relationship first, even if it’s through social media first, will be easier to pitch them in the future. The pitch will come across as more authentic and more likely they will hear you out, compared to someone coming in with a cold pitch.
Make sure the person you want to work with or collaborate with, they have your ideal clients as well and you share values. Don’t get caught up in numbers trying to collaborate with people that aren’t as aligned with you and have your ideal customers.
Success looks different to everyone. It is important to not comparing not only your business or self but also your journey. Your journey is amazing and beautiful, there will be challenges and roadblocks. Your journey is your journey for a reason and there is a purpose behind each challenge that you face. Success for you is going to look different than someone else.
Fulfillment is success. Success isn’t a number of followers and income, it’s fulfillment.
Rhythms of Rewnal by Rebekah Lyons
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Business Babes Collective Podcast
Rythms of Rewnal by Rebekah Lyons
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Today’s show is from a conversation we had with Danielle Wiebe on her podcast The Business Babes Collective. By the way, we’ve had Danielle on this show before on Episode 258 where she taught on how to strategically get partnerships and collaborations in order to grow your business. We freaking…
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Whether you’re coming to an in-person workshop, joining our online course, or soaking up all the strategies via this blog or our podcast, we’re STOKED you’re here + can’t wait to see you out there kicking butt.
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